
Linn-Benton Community College’s Albany, Corvallis Campuses Host Study Jam Before Finals

Finals are almost upon us! Join the Student Leadership Council and other students this weekend for free pizza and drinks, Marvel and DC movies, and games in the Student Union (Albany Campus) and Chinook Hall (Corvallis Campus) for Study Jam!  Study Jam is a weekend-long event at the end of each term that provides students with a fun opportunity to study in the library, take breaks with friends in the Student Union, and hit up the Learning Center for last-minute tutoring.  It runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m Saturday, March 16 , at the Albany campus; and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Chinook Hall in Corvallis. On Sunday, March 17 , you can hang out with fellow students from noon to 4 p.m. at the Albany Center! Here is what some SLC and long-time attendees of Study Jam have to say about Study Jam’s environment: “The environment helps me get a lot of work done that normally wouldn’t be done thanks to distractions at home. It is also helpful to have the extra help available at Study Jam.” ...

Linn-Benton Community College's GSA Club: A Small Look Into a Big Club

(GSA Logo art done by Andy Olsen) D&D, necklace making, gay Uno, and more in Forum 220 each Friday afternoon.  On Fridays at 1 p.m., LBCC’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance gathers to plan events, engage in art and other activities, and work to bring greater equity to campus. The group meets in the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion office on the Albany campus.  Already there is discussion about events for the upcoming pride month celebration on campus and off campus. After catching everyone up on event plans, the group comes to life as students enjoy an assortment of beverages set out for members and guests while chatting. Amid the music of Coldplay and the equity center staff clicking away on their desktop computers, the discussion is ever evolving as many students come and go to fit in what time they can with the club. It moves from the popular fantasy tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons and Dropout’s Brennan Lee Mulligan (American comedian well known for his ...

Linn-Benton Community College Puts New Limit on Student Club Leadership

  After more than 50 years, Linn-Benton Community College has implemented a new rule for students seeking leadership positions in clubs that limits them to three years of service.  During the summer of 2023, the Student Leadership Council voted to update the Council of Clubs Bylaws to limit the number of terms a student can represent clubs. Club leaders are limited to serving three years starting fall of 2023 in hopes of creating more opportunities for students to hold leadership positions and gain experience. Why three years? While most clubs rotate leaders in the ebb and flow of graduation, the SLC started to notice some clubs remaining under the same leadership for several years. “We wanted other students to have opportunities to take leadership roles,” said Larissa de Oliveira, current Clubs & Student Engagement director.  Rob Camp, LBCC’s Student Leadership coordinator since April 2020, said since club leaders are not rewarded or paid for leading clubs it was de...

Linn-Benton Community College Students Wage War on Poisonous Plants

  In the community garden at LBCC’s Albany campus highly toxic hemlock grows.  First brought over by colonizers for decorative gardens, the flowering plant is invasive and quick to take over if left unchecked. Linn-Benton’s gardening club has been fighting the plant for years. The innocent looking flower comes from the carrot family and to the untrained eye looks right at home in the garden. Melinda Williams, who founded the current gardening club in the spring term of 2022, heads much of the community garden fight against the hemlock.  “One of the first things I do when introducing people to the garden is show them how to identify poison hemlock and warn them not to touch it without gloves and long sleeves,” Williams said.  Her major concern is that students will get severe rashes from the plants. Alex Loveday, a student employee through the biology department who tends to the greenhouse, is concerned about the health dangers of the encroaching plant, such as kidney...

JN216 - Week 1

ABOUT ME Hello, my name is Coen Olsen. I am a creative writing major, and this is my third year attending LBCC while working (part-time this term). While I love creative fiction and non-fiction, I've never moved into telling other people's stories. I'm hopeful that this class will help me find new tools to add to my writing toolbox and, maybe, a new passion.  Outside of school and work - I enjoy e-bike rides along scenic routes on the outskirts of Corvallis (cheating, I know) and using old mail stamps for art (another blasphemy to traditionalists). The family dog, Sebastian (shown to the right), loves bike rides just as much as me. He probably hopes that the new puppy will never get to try riding in the basket! MY GOALS I could write myself to death, but when it comes to submitting pieces to publishers? I find myself doing *anything* else. With nothing on the line except maybes, I need a bit more than a shove. Passing classes is something that matters to me, so here I am to...