Linn-Benton Community College Puts New Limit on Student Club Leadership
After more than 50 years, Linn-Benton Community College has implemented a new rule for students seeking leadership positions in clubs that limits them to three years of service.
During the summer of 2023, the Student Leadership Council voted to update the Council of Clubs Bylaws to limit the number of terms a student can represent clubs. Club leaders are limited to serving three years starting fall of 2023 in hopes of creating more opportunities for students to hold leadership positions and gain experience.
Why three years? While most clubs rotate leaders in the ebb and flow of graduation, the SLC started to notice some clubs remaining under the same leadership for several years.
“We wanted other students to have opportunities to take leadership roles,” said Larissa de Oliveira, current Clubs & Student Engagement director.
Rob Camp, LBCC’s Student Leadership coordinator since April 2020, said since club leaders are not rewarded or paid for leading clubs it was determined that a cumulative three-year limit would be set.
How do student leaders feel about this? Spencer Weatherly, current leader of the Film Club, said the new limit may affect future leaders' ability to execute bigger projects successfully, but understands that rotating leadership responsibilities is important.
“Since this club involves having fun mostly, I need to accept that not everything will get to be done,” Weatherly said.
Weatherly is now pushing to get more done than ever, but knows that some projects will need to wait for the future.
Will Vellinga, who reactivated the Human and Civil Rights Club this winter term in response to ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine, said the new limit is a good thing for students.
“We need to have leaders who are constantly changing in order to have objectivity. If the same leader stays in power, well, we see what happens. In any position there needs to be a turnover, that way there’s progress,” Vellinga said.
Vellinga is optimistic that new leaders will bring new ideas, different viewpoints, and new ways of leading that will prevent clubs from becoming dull and leaders tired.
How can I contact the clubs mentioned in this article?
Film Club
Email: Student representative Spencer Weatherly - or club advisor Ken Long -
When they meet: Fridays 1-2 p.m.
Where they meet: Takena Hall 229
Zoom link:
Human and Civil Rights Club
Email: Student representative Will Vellinga - or club advisors Max Ames - and Amanda Mendell -
Discord: Email Will Vellinga for Discord invite
When they meet: Mondays 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Where they meet: Forum 220
Interested in participating in clubs and club leadership?
Check out LBCC’s Clubs page for information on active clubs, how to activate inactive clubs (like Will Vellinga did!), or how to start a new club. You can also reach out to Larissa de Oliveira to find out more about clubs. Some, such as the Human and Civil Rights Club, aren’t on the website yet!
At a Glance
What: LBCC Council of Clubs puts a three-year cumulative cap on students representing clubs
When: Began fall 2023
Who’s Affected: Any student planning to lead a club as a student representative
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